Collection: Gillian Roberts RSMA

We have artists approach us for representation on a weekly basis, and we have to say no to the vast majority, but in Gillian's case, it was immediately obvious that here was a very classy painter indeed, and we just had to add her to our stable of artists. Having met Gillian at the RSMA selection committee this year, she is a charming and very knowledgeable artist.  Gillian is another advocate of painting en plein air, capturing as much of the subject as she can on site, often finishing the painting entirely, returning to the same spot over several days if needs be. Her paintings ooze freshness and vitality, and have a distinctive quality about them.  From Yorkshire, much of her output is from her native county, although she paints many interiors and still lifes too. Whatever Gillian paints though, is given 100% concentration, and nothing is left from the canvas. Her painting is an honest appraisal of what she sees in front of her, and the busy streets she so often portrays, are staggeringly good, especially considering that figures are so convincingly conveyed with minimum brushstrokes, yet so accurate in their gate, pose and form.  Gillian possesses a rare gift, about which she is very self-effacing and modest. Make no mistake though, she is a powerhouse when it comes to her vocation, and we are so pleased to represent her at Peter Barker Fine Art.
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1 product
  • Crabbing at Whitby
    Crabbing at Whitby - P E T E R     B A R K E R     F I N E     A R T
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